Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Wash and Go That Didn't

After this past weekend's co-wash and go success, I was feeling brave. I spent last night reviewing more YouTube videos to find another wash-and-go style since mine was pushing 3 days. I'd seen a couple for IC Fantasia gel so I decided to give it a shot. All night I wondered if I do the style before going to bed. But that would mean I'd wake up with Day 2 hair and what's the point of that, right?

So against my better judgment (because I know I'm prone to oversleeping) I decided attempt this new style first thing in the morning. I finally rolled out of bed at 5:30 and then realized (yikes!) that I was really supposed to wake up on time this morning so I can do my hair. Keep in mind that I needed to wake up at 5 in order for this to happen. No problem, I can catch up. I pull out my sample of Giovanni leave-in that I scored at a Nappy Love Houston product swap and my gel. Jump in the shower to co-wash and detangle, so far so good. I apply the Giovanni and immediately I love the way it smells and I can tell that it is going to make my hair soft. I think I will have to pick up a bottle next time I'm in Target!

On to the gel. Now how much of this am I supposed to apply? And did I remember someone saying this product didn't work well with IC Fantasia gel? Pushing those thoughts to the back of my mind, I dig right in, trying to saturate my hair with the gel. I also use this massage-looking technique that the girl did on YouTube that's supposed to stimulate the curl and get your hair moving in the direction you want. I'm turning, turning...nothing. Add more gel...massage, massage...still nothing. But before I completely abort this mission let's try one more thing. On Saturday I saw a video where a lady combed through the gel with a rat tail. She sectioned her hair off and did it section-by-section, which I didn't really have time for but it was worth a shot.

Halfway through the regimine, I could tell that this, too was going to be a failure. I was in too deep. Must abort. Back into the shower I jumped, despite the fact that the clock indicated I should already be in my car headed to the office. I quickly co-washed again and set my sights on a re-do of Saturday's successful style. This style is so fast and easy that it wasn't long before I was back on track. However, I was afraid that my hair wouldn't look presentable before others began arriving at the office. See, there is a white tint to your hair while this style dries. When it is dry there is pretty much no flaking or little white balls (if you've tried something like this you know what I'm talking about). I think I still need to learn the proper amount of conditioner to use. But anyway, I had to set out with a wet (and white) head.

It is still wet as I type this post some 4-5 hours later. I guess my hair is kinda thick? But the curls are there and that makes me happy. I had to take one trip to the bathroom this morning to pick out some of the white balls...I suppose that's conditioner build-up or maybe the castor oil is separating. Who knows? Anyway, I definitely like this style in a pinch but maybe should start on it earlier or the night before so it doesn't look unpolished to the outside world. I feel like my hair is transforming (like a Chia pet) throughout the day and when I leave I'll look nothing like I did when I got here!

Any thoughts on where I went wrong with the first wash-and-go? Is my hair too long? I still consider myself to have a TWA but my hair is growing. It shrinks so much though. All the girls on the videos had these cute curls. I thought for sure that would work for me, too! Some had itty bitty TWAs but some look like they had as much hair as me. So maybe I didn't use enough gel? Maybe it needed time to dry? I welcome your thoughts and suggestions because I'd like to give it another shot!

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